At Riverside Elementary School we serve roughly 550 Pre-K through 6th grade students. Our C.L. Morris Center houses our Pre-K and K students. Check out that site to get more information specific to the C.L. Morris Center. The Riverside Elementary Campus houses our 1st-6th students and you can find information on this site about upcoming events and activities we have on our campus. Be sure to check our site frequently for updates.
Parental Involvement and Communication:
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's education that cannot be found on our website or through our parent communication within each classroom, please feel free to schedule a conference with your child's teacher.
Parent conferences are strongly encouraged. In order to schedule a conference, please write your child's teacher a note or call the school at 662-335-4528 to leave a message for the teacher to schedule a conference. We ask that you please allow a 24 hour notice for teachers to arrange a meeting as our teachers are working hard in the classroom to teach your children. You can find the conference periods for each grade (1st-6th) below.
- 1st Grade: 10:00 - 10:40
- 2nd Grade: 11:25 -12:05
- 3rd Grade: 10:45 - 11:25
- 4th Grade: 1:15 - 1:55
- 5th Grade: 12:35 - 1:15
- 6th Grade: 2:05 - 2:45